Imagine - Piano Sheet
鋼琴獨奏 | Piano solo
鋼琴獨奏 | Piano solo
Payment method 1 - If you would like to pay by Paypal, click either "Checkout" or "Paypal Checkout", and fill in the details. You will receive a link to download the sheet music after successful payment.
Payment method 2 - If you would like to pay by credit card, please click "Paypal Checkout" (the orange button) and then click "Check out as guest" or "Pay with Credit Card" and fill in the details. You will receive a link to download the sheet music after successful payment.
Payment method 3 - If you would like to pay by Payme or FPS, please follow the steps below.
Click "Checkout" (the dark blue botton)
Select "Cash Payment" as the payment method
Place the order
Pay by Payme (https://payme.hsbc.hlop) or FPS (FPS ID: 4036752).
Send an email to henry@henrylaionpiano.com to confirm your payment and provide the order number. A link to download the sheet music will be sent to you after successful payment.